Hello Everybody !

I want this to be a place where creative folks can come and express ideas, talk about art, music, photography, writing, books, magazines, ghostly encounters, history, events of importance to creative minds, and just have fun. I also hope to share adventures and stories along the way. If you would like to be a guest or if you have an event that you would like to share please email me at lindajburns@gmail.com

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meet George Burns

Meet George. I have had many, many dogs and cats and various other odd animals that have come to live with me from time to time, but George is the sweetest, most gentle animal I have ever encountered in my lifetime. How anyone could move off and leave a poor animal tied to a chain-link fence with only about a foot of rope is beyond me. He had no food or water. It was very apparent the family had moved from the house and I thought they were coming back for him and just got delayed. I got a comfy collar and a secure long lead and put him up under the car port out of the weather. I fed and watered him and took him for a walk. No one came. The next day no one came and he seemed so very sad and kept cuddling up to me.  I left my phone number and address on the door to the house, and the next day he came to live with me. The people never came back or called. I already had a black Labrador at the time (Baby) that my husband had rescued in the middle of an expressway, and they became the best of friends.
This picture was taken in younger days around the time he sired a great litter of puppies (16) for which I learned the valued lesson of "fixing" most all the animals. Fortunately the puppies were all incredibly healthy and we found a good home for each and every one. Now days George, like me is growing old. I sit with him on the back porch a lot and we talk about his day. You never know what George is going to get into, even at his age. One of his favorite things is to eat figs. He also hates hanging flower baskets and will tear them to shreds and jumping on trampolines and into swimming pools. But those are stories for another night.
There is a huge old fig tree by the backyard gate. It has some lower branches that he can climb and reach his figs when they are in season. He loves to eat them right off the tree. I think the first time he encountered one on the ground that he might have believed it to be a sticky tennis ball. But after he lapped the first one down he was hooked. I worried about it for a while, but like most things with George his stubborn streak wins out over my guarded concerns. He spends more of his day chasing squirrels and napping in the sun. He hates indoors so you find him out back with the neighbor cat (Sam). They are also great friends.
We have a large fenced in yard that is kind of like a park and when the little house dogs come out they all still have a romping good time. Sugar Bear, another Labrador likes to stay in the back with George all the time. I guess they are the yard watchers.
At night both George and Sugar Bear sleep on the back porch. They won't come in. Guess they don't like the confined space, but they love the porch so I let them do as they wish.
There are seven friends here now. They all have either been abandoned or have disabilities but there is a lot of love here. No one gets left out or left behind. I love each and everyone but that Georgie dog ... he just stomps right into your heart.
May God bless all the animals in whatever situations they are facing, for their love and innocence is pure heart.
And the words below came from the love of all.

Old red dog
with the golden, laughing eyes,
so wise in years;
I wonder
what you think
as you run to meet me
with wagging tail
and your big dog smile.
We’ve been together for many years now,
since the day I found you
hungry and alone
and brought you
to your forever home,
where you have been
my special friend.
So many words
to describe you,
but none of them fit exactly right
as there is no other dog,
quite like you.
We are both aging now old friend,
each of us a little slower,
and  a little less frisky these day;
though we still watch moon rises and fire flies
in the stillness of our backyard
on warm Summer evenings.
 Whichever one of us
gets  there first my friend,
you know the drill. 
In case I haven’t told you enough,
I love you to the moon . . .
my old red dog.
 © Joyce (Tidwell) Burns, ChynaMoon Creations, Chyna Moon Press,  1997-2013


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