Just a little whining today. I haven't done that in a very long time but lately I've been butting my head against a lot of brick walls. At times I have called myself "invisible girl" as no one seems to notice I am even in this world. I have been told I should be more agressive, but that's just not in me. I was taught to respect other people and not be a bother to anyone. Boy have times changed.

I try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt and try to believe all the things people promise me, but for the most part I find myself taking care of everything that happens to me in my life BY MYSELF. I have volunteered many times to do things I was not one hundred percent fond of, because a friend needed my help and I did it, most times with a smile and found a lot of times I actually enjoyed doing the task. But for me? I just don't get it. What do I do to people? Am I that boring or old or whatever that no one wants to be around me? Really people. What am I NOT doing? If I win a contest, I am the one whose name doesn't get posted. If I write a book, no one takes me seriously. If I order with a group at a restaraunt I always get served last or the order is messed up. I couldn't even find someone to ride with me on an expense-paid day trip. A girl could catch a complex. Do any of you feel this way too?
I see other people succeed everyday. But as I sit in my cube at work and do my job to the best of my ability.only a handful of people ever acknowledge that I am breathing. I sit there for eight hours a day, and feel life passing by. So I turned to putting my words on paper. For now, no one reads that either.
I was told I should write for myself. So I guess that's the direction I will take. Maybe in the future someone will ask, "did you know this lady"?
Anyway that's enough whining for this year, so I will get back to doing what I do. But if sometimes you long for in depth conversation about something besides ripping another person apart, send me mail or call me. I especially love history, ancestors and debating ideas.
Hope you have a nice evening.
© Joyce (Tidwell) Burns, ChynaMoon Creations, Chyna Moon Press, 1997-2012
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