I can't begin to tell you how much it bothers me that their will be lots of children this December who won't have a Christmas. Nothing! Not a single present, not the comfort of God (as many haven't been allowed in this current society to know him) or the warmth of a family. Children feeling forgotten as everyone worships the power of money and what it will buy. We are fast becoming a country of the haves and have nots. The former forgetting love, hope, charity and compassion. Many go to bed now with hunger, for there is no food. You say there are programs to help these people! But guess what? Many are simply falling through the cracks and no one cares! You think it can't happen to you, but you might be the very next victim of this economy and the thieves who are orchestrating it.
Christmas was and is the birthday of Jesus Christ! These days folks have tried to hide him in all their political correctness but he won't take a back seat to all the false gods you are worshiping and placing before him these days. But try as you might you will never be able to eliminate almighty God!
You say I am one person. What can I do? You can let your one light shine as you may be an inspiration to the next person, like a fire catching up from kindling! Be amazing. Do it!

Let your warmth grow into a blazing fire this Christmas season! Help at least one person. If you don't know anyone who needs your help
ask someone! We have a list of 17 children at my work place that no one was helping. There are hundreds. This is not a huge task. All I'm asking is that you help
one person! It won't hurt you one bit. You may find you even like helping others! At any rate I promise it will do your heart good. Best medicine there is for hearts!
So what are you waiting for?
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