What have I learned in the past thirteen years? I have finally learned that I am not a liberal and I am not a conservative. I am not a Democrat, or a Republican . . .
I am a spit-fire, 100 percent American and proud of it!
I believe in God, America, justice, equality and always trying to do the right thing. I am thankful to those who came before me an afforded me the opportunity to dream and believe. I honor and respect those who died to grant me freedom that many are so carelessly throwing away day by day.
I am proud of my small accomplishments, but prouder of my failures as they have taught me things I desperately needed to know to become a part of the good that still lives in part of this world. Failures made me a better person.
I grew up poorer than dirt. It didn't make me a bully or a killer. We didn't have the luxury to have someone give us free money every month. If we didn't work, we didn't eat. Am I supposed to feel sorry for those of you who just don't want to work because it interferes with your day? Well I don't feel sorry for you at all. You have opportunities every single day and you spit in its face. Being the young folks that you are you think it is so cool to to get everything for free at someone else's expense ! Sadly, it just shows your character. Just steal what you want if you can't earn it. Lie for it, kill for it. Things, just things, and you have sold your soul for them.You have all the time in the world to fornicate and have kids that pay the price for what you are doing and have no idea who the fathers of those children even are. And its not a race thing. Its all colors of people that have lost all respect and dignity for themselves and everyone else. You have no direction and no purpose. Things you must find to be who you really want to be, or to be anything at all. RESPECT! Google it !
You don't teach your children anymore but leave them to their own devices and wonder what happened! Beautiful children that need your love and guidance, but you can't give it because you are too busy being a drug head or worse. And its not just the crack heads, its also the prescription eating soccer moms and baseball dads!
The only one who can bring you out of this and to your senses before you self-implode is you! Sometimes age works things out as you get a little older an grow a little brain if you live past your twenties. My grandmother called it "climbing fools hill". Until then pretty much all you do is spew nonsense or intellectual (usually communist) bullshit and are just taking up space on the planet. And what a shame with the amazing body and brain you started out with.
You can give an opinion on everything you know nothing about and can spend the rest of your time trashing our American values or God and losing a chance at stability you would give anything for later in life. And others of you spend your time just judging others all day. Well darling, take a look in that mirror, you aren't so perfect yourself! Everyone else is on Face Book and Twitter and all the rest of social media talking every topic in the world to death but never making the slightest move to do anything to actually change things!
There are exceptions to all the above and to you I can't say enough good things. I hope you never lose sight of the fact that one person can make a difference and you can make things better. Today we are faced with the world as we know it going down the tubes. You may be the one person who can save it someday so move ahead and never look back. You are the survivors!
As for me, I will continue to grow old for as long as I can. I will pray to my God whatever atheist, communist, socialist, Marxist, agnostic, terrorist pigs do to try to stop me. I will put my hand on my heart and pledge allegiance to my country. I will do my best to protect children, the elderly and animals from crazy people as they are defenseless in this insanity.
Please try to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. You are the only future this world has to look forward too. Pull yourselves up. The sky is the limit and you can be anything you want to be. You just have to do it.
Remember the ones who died thirteen years ago tomorrow. They didn't have a chance to finish what they started but you still have that chance.Go for it and never forget all the people who sacrificed for you!
May God bless America and this aching world.
© Joyce (Tidwell) Burns, ChynaMoon Creations, Chyna Moon Press, 1997-2014